Ravenous Zine is a proud partner of this event created by Vanessa Chakour & Electropositive.
Magic and medicine exist right here in New York’s secret concrete jungle. Many plants we consider weeds are actually powerful healers with rich history. You’re invited to join Sacred Warrior founder & herbalist, Vanessa Chakour for an evening of multi-sensory exploration. From the therapeutic experience of a plant meditation to the basics of medicine making, this program re-awakens the power of plants as a way to impact the mind, body and soul. The event will launch a series of eco-awareness and conservation events and screenings produced by Sacred Warrior and Electropositive.
Plant Meditations • Medicinal Tea & Tincture Tastings • Wild Plant Identification • The Basics Of Medicine Making • The Concept of Plant Ally Work • A Discussion Holistic Herbalism & more
Sacred Warrior Founder, herbalist, holistic arts and outdoor educator, Vanessa Chakour believes through re-establishing relationship with the inner and outer wild, we reclaim our innate power and ability to heal in collaboration with the earth. By re-connecting people, plant, animal, and earth, through retreats, courses, events and land remediation programs, Sacred Warrior is awakening eco-defenders and sacred fighters, one experience at a time. www.sacredwarrior.co
Electropositive (E+), is a social innovation platform for entrepreneurial women, people of color, and other underserved communities. Headquartered in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, E+ consists of a workspace, content studio, social impact agency, and 501c3 non-profit arm. Our mission is to bring entrepreneurs, change-makers, and innovators together to build sustainable solutions to social, cultural, or environmental challenges.
EVENT PARTNERS The Wolf Conservation Center, Dropping Seeds, Sawmill Herb Farm, United Plant Savers, Radicle Herb Shop, Ravenous Zine, Common Knowledge Plants, Seedles, Terracycle